Results for 'Laura Camas Garrido'

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  1.  16
    Jane Addams y la educación socializada en el pleasure ground.Laura Camas Garrido - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    El artículo es una investigación introductoria de la filosofía de la educación de Jane Addams en los primeros años de actividad del settlement Hull-House. Esto incluye su etapa desde sus inicios en 1889 hasta el cambio político y epistemológico que experimentó Addams cuando se opuso firmemente a la participación bélica de los Estados Unidos a la Primera Guerra Mundial en 1917 y cuando se comprometió de forma sólida con el movimiento sufragista pacifista y la educación de las mujeres en los (...)
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    Reseña: Garrido Domené, Fuensanta, Los teóricos menores de la Música Griega. Euclides el Geómetra, Nicómaco de Gerasa y Gaudencio el Filósofo.Durán Laura Carolina - 2017 - Endoxa 40:405.
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    ¿Qué más cuenta Centroamérica? Relatos de Vanessa Núñez y Alberto Sánchez Argüello.Laura Fuentes Belgrave - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 24:115-119.
    En la actualidad, el festival literario Centroamérica Cuenta tiene en su haber seis ediciones realizadas desde 2013. Esta iniciativa internacional, coordinada por el escritor nicaragüense Sergio Ramírez, año con año ha forjado un espacio de intercambio y reflexión para la narrativa centroamericana, proyectando las identidades, literaturas y realidades de la región a diversas zonas del orbe. Desde su inicio, el festival ha contado con la participación de más de 500 escritores del istmo, entre los cuales se encuentran la salvadoreña Vanessa (...)
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  4. The origins of inquiry: inductive inference and exploration in early childhood.Laura Schulz - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (7):382-389.
  5. Matter, Necessity and the Middle Term: Some Comments on Aristotle, «An. Post.», B, 11.Laura Castelli - 2009 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 20:1-21.
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    Terrorism, self-defense, and whistleblowing.Laura Westra - 1989 - Journal of Social Philosophy 20 (3):46-58.
    In a recent paper given at a Symposium on terrorism, Thomas Hill, Jr., discussed “Making Exceptions Without Abandoning the Principle: Or How a Kantian Might Think about Terrorism.” His argument, however, after acknowledging that “terrorists of course often claim to have morally worthy ends and also means that are morally justified in the context,” and further stating that “some such claims deserve a serious hearing,” goes on to deal with the related question of…what one may justifiably do in response to (...)
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    A study of atomic V-steps formed by cleavage on NaCl crystal surfaces.Laura Levi - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (2):427-446.
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    Theorizing ‘race’, racism and culture: pitfalls of idealist tendencies.Laura Chrisman - 1993 - Paragraph 16 (1):78-90.
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    El debate acerca del presunto influjo del Pseudo-Empédocles en el pensamiento de Ibn Massarra de Córdoba.Pilar Garrido Clemente - 2009 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 16:23-34.
    Desde que Asín Palacios publicó su estudio pionero sobre Ibn Masarra a partir de las fuentes indirectasdisponibles, proponiendo que su pensamiento estaba inspirado en los escritos del Pseudo-Empédoclesárabe y que había sido el introductor de la filosofía en al-Andalus, seinició el debate al respecto. El hallazgo de dos de las obras del autor cordobés ha dado una nueva orientacióna la polémica. En este artículo se revisan algunos aspectos fundamentales del debate sobre la «reconstrucción» del pensamiento masarrí realizada por Asín, cuestionando (...)
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    Sobre el Fundamentalismo.José María Garrido Luceño - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (30):111-166.
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    Alice's toothache and the god of love: Editorial emendations in the poetry of Thomas Crecquillon's chansons.Laura S. Youens - 1996 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 58 (1):81-95.
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    La pena tra espiare e redimere nella filosofia giuridica di Ugo Spirito.Laura Zavatta - 2005 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Nietzsche nello sviluppo della filosofia giuridica e morale.Laura Zavatta - 2014 - Bari: Progedit.
  14.  44
    Personal responsibility: A plausible social goal, but not for medicaid reform.Laura D. Hermer - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (3):pp. 16-19.
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    Jenofonte, Póroi: ¿una propuesta de economía política?Laura Sancho Rocher - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    El último escrito de Jenofonte, redactado justo tras la derrota ateniense en la Guerra Social, pone sobre el tablero dos cuestiones relacionadas entre sí: la injusticia del imperio y la manera de lograr que los atenienses puedan vivir de sus recursos. Las diversas interpretaciones de Póroi se plantean si el autor solo aborda el problema fiscal o si tiene propuestas dirigidas a una mejora de la producción y, a su vez, del trabajo y retribuciones de los ciudadanos. En ese marco (...)
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    Social Inferences From Faces as a Function of the Left-to-Right Movement Continuum.Rita Mendonça, Margarida V. Garrido & Gün R. Semin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Living in integrity: A global ethic to restore a fragmented earth.Laura Westra - 2000 - Environmental Ethics 22 (1):101-103.
    This innovative book takes a new look at environmental ethics and the need for ecological and biological integrity. Laura Westra explores the necessity for radical alteration not only of interpersonal ethics, but also of social institutions and public policy. In the process, Westra denies the validity of majority rule in environmentally ethical concerns. Issues discussed in the book include the link between ecological integrity and human health; an environmental evaluation of business and technology; biotechnology and transgenics in agriculture and (...)
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  18. Placer visual y cine narrativo. Valencia, Vol. 1.Laura Mulvey - unknown
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    Hannah Arendt: la storia per la politica.Laura Bazzicalupo - 1995 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
    Comments on Arendt's views on the link between politics and history, referring to her work on antisemitism and on the "Jewish question" (pp. 44-51). Defines Arendt's historiographical method as non-temporal - she focuses on individualized experiences which express a historical conflict; she prefers biographies, portraits, and chronicles. Arendt's non-temporal approach is expressed in the assertion that the tragedy of the Jews in Europe was rooted in the paradox that the political powers granted them rights and privileges, but excluded them, in (...)
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  20. Escasez y serialidad en la perspectiva de la razón dialéctica sartreana.Laura Benítez - 1988 - Analogía Filosófica 2 (2):89.
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  21. Los argumentos escépticos cartesianos.Laura Benítez - 1989 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 15 (1):85.
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    Newton's notion of matter in the 'De aere et aethere'.Laura Benítez - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:17.
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    Modeling the art historical canon.Laura M. F. Bertens - 2022 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 21 (3):240-262.
    Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 240-262, July 2022. Although the art historical canon has been the subject of fierce debate, it remains an essential construct, shaping textbooks and survey courses. Visual representations of the canon often illustrate these narratives. Students encounter diagrams in their studies and it is important to make them aware of the illusion of scientific objectivity. This paper proposes the use of the computer ontology, as a modeling tool with which students (...)
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  24. Psychological and spiritual roots of transpersonal psychology in Europe.Laura Boggio Gilot - 2000 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 19:133-140.
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    President's Report.Laura Hartman - 2002 - The Society for Business Ethics Newsletter 13 (1):1-1.
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  26. The prices of resisting silence: Comments on Calof, Cheit, Freyd, Hoult, and Salter.S. Laura - 1998 - Ethics and Behavior 8 (2):189-193.
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    ʹРητω καί συγγραφεύς: cultura, politica e storiografia nellÌopera di Dexippo di Atene.Laura Mecella - 2009 - Millennium 6 (1):107-132.
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  28. Loving Future People.Laura Purdy - 1995 - In Joan C. Callahan (ed.), Reproduction, Ethics, and the Law: Feminist Perspectives. Indiana University Press.
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    Religion, Multiculturalism, and Phenomenology as a Critical Practice: Lessons from the Algerian War of Independence.Laura McMahon - 2020 - Puncta 3 (1):1-26.
    In the Algerian War of Independence, women famously used both traditional and modern clothing as part of their revolutionary efforts against French colonialism. This paper uncovers some of the principal lessons of this historical episode through a phenomenological exploration of agency, religion, and political transformation. Part I draws primarily on the philosophical insights of Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty alongside the memoirs of Zohra Drif, a young woman member of the Algerian Front de Libération Nationale, in order to explore the (...)
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    When the cables leave, the interfaces arrive: Immaterial networks and material interfaces.Laura Beloff - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (3):211-220.
    The last decade has seen the dawn of a technological development towards a wireless-networked world. Various mobile interfaces have started to appear like laptop computer, PDA, mobile phone, Blueberry. The zenith of this development is the full distribution of computation and networks into every aspect of our life. Everything will become an interface, from a cup to a shirt. Wireless networks and multifarious interfaces will blend invisibly into our everyday life and environment. This emerging infrastructure and its significant impact on (...)
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    A Novel Approach for Investigating Parkinson’s Disease Personality and Its Association With Clinical and Psychological Aspects.Laura Carelli, Federica Solca, Silvia Torre, Jacopo Pasquini, Claudia Morelli, Rita Pezzati, Francesca Mancini, Andrea Ciammola, Vincenzo Silani & Barbara Poletti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Creation of Shared Value in Action.Laura Corazza, Maurizio Cisi & Simone Domenico Scagnelli - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:235-258.
    How does Creating Shared Value (CSV) differ from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? How can universities teach CSV to students? The aim of this study is to present the case of the Shared Value Living Lab (SVLL) recently carried out at the University of Torino (UniTo), a large Italian public university. Specifically, the paper analyzes CSV related arguments such as building ecosystems and collective impact, and by questioning the role of experiential learning in adult education. The transformative learning theory of Mezirow (...)
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  33. Disorders of insight, self-awareness, and attribution in schizophrenia.Laura A. Flashman - 2004 - In Bernard D. Beitman & Jyotsna Nair (eds.), Self-Awareness Deficits in Psychiatric Patients: Neurobiology, Assessment, and Treatment. W.W.Norton. pp. 129-158.
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    Narrative Feminine Identity and the Appearance of Woman in Some of the Shorter Fiction of Goethe, Kleist, Hawthorne and James.Laura Martin - 2000 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This study shows how Goethe's Die pilgernde Torin, Kleist's Die Marquise von O..., Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, and James' Daisy Miller can appeal to the reader who identifies a message friendly towards woman and her plight, whether the message was the author's intention or not.
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    “A Lab of Our Own”: Environmental Causation of Breast Cancer and Challenges to the Dominant Epidemiological Paradigm.Laura Senier, Rebecca Gasior Altman, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Stephen Zavestoski, Brian Mayer, Sabrina McCormick & Phil Brown - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (5):499-536.
    There are challenges to the dominant research paradigm in breast cancer science. In the United States, science and social activism create paradigmatic shifts. Using interviews, ethnographic observations, and an extensive review of the literature, we create a three-dimensional model to situate changes in scientific controversy concerning environmental causes of breast cancer. We identify three paradigm challenges posed by activists and some scientists: to move debates about causation upstream to address causes; to shift emphasis from individual to modifiable societal-level factors beyond (...)
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    Eye movements reveal mechanisms underlying attentional biases towards threat.Laura Sagliano, Francesca D'Olimpio, Ilaria Taglialatela Scafati & Luigi Trojano - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (7).
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    David E. Morrison, Matthew Kieran, Michael Svennevig and Sarah Ventress (2007) Media & Values. Intimate Transgressions in a Changing Moral and Cultural Landscape.Laura Sava - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):361-366.
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  38. Patrones melódicos en el habla de diálogo en español: un primer análisis del corpus" Glissando".Juan María Garrido Almiñana & Sílvia Rustullet - 2011 - Oralia 14:129 - 160.
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  39. El pensamiento político de Miguel de Unamuno: su relación con el liberalismo.J. A. Garrido Ardila & Gemma Gordo Piñar - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):261-271.
    Los estudios recientes sobre el pensamiento político de Unamuno han venido adscribiéndolo al liberalismo sin insertar su pensamiento en el desarrollo histórico del pensamiento liberal. Es por ello por lo que en este artículo acometemos una revisión del liberalismo de Unamuno, ubicando sus ideas en la historia del pensamiento liberal. Ello nos llevará a matizar las etiquetas políticas que se han puesto a Unamuno, así como a alcanzar las siguientes conclusiones: 1) Unamuno carecía de un conocimiento profundo del liberalismo según (...)
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    Grossmann and Millán-Puelles on the Argument from Physics.José María Garrido Bermúdez - 2010 - Metaphysica 11 (2):163-180.
    The paper focuses on Reinhardt Grossmann's analysis of the Argument from Physics, as well as the analysis by the Spanish philosopher Antonio Millán-Puelles, in an attempt to assess the validity of the Argument on the basis of their respective critical views. Both authors agree in perceptual realism and in the need to distinguish between the scope and object of Physics and the ordinary objects of natural perception. Their criticisms mainly concern the innappropiate use of the principle of reduction in the (...)
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    Rereading RhindMathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. Richard J. Gillings.Laura Guggenbuhl - 1973 - Isis 64 (4):533-534.
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    Birth control.Laura Henderson - 1929 - The Eugenics Review 21 (3):239.
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    On the Compatibility of Pacifism and Care.Laura Duhan Kaplan - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):133 - 134.
    A mother's commitment to use violence if necessary to protect her children is not incompatible with pacifism, if pacifism is understood as the commitment to end war and war is understood as the use of violence as a political tool.
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    Cuando la eternidad hace historia: observaciones acerca de la relación entre historia, existencia y eternidad a partir de la filosofía de la historia de Jan Patocka.Ángel Enrique Garrido Maturano - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 34 (2):139-156.
    El artículo desarrolla una hermenéutica fenomenológica de las relaciones entre historia, sentido, existencia y eternidad en la filosofía de la historia de Jan Pato¹ka. Primero determina las nociones de sentido e historia. Luego explicita en qué medida la existencia humana constituye la condición de posibilidad de un sentido problemático y concurrente de la historia. Finalmente analiza la �existencia en la verdad� como resultado de una correlación entre existencia y eternidad y comprende la interpelación de la eternidad como origen del sentido.
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    Surviving in a second language: survival processing effect in memory of bilinguals.Magda Saraiva, Margarida V. Garrido & Josefa N. S. Pandeirada - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (2):417-424.
    Human memory likely evolved to serve adaptive functions, that is, to help maximise our chances of survival and reproduction. One demonstration of such adaptiveness is the increased retention of inf...
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    Editorial: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Movement-Based Embodied Contemplative Practices.Laura Schmalzl & Catherine E. Kerr - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Discontinuities between Legal Conceptions of Authorship and Social Practices: What, if Anything, is to be Done.Laura R. Biron & Lionel Bently - unknown
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    Music Student’s Approach to the Forced Use of Remote Performance Assessments.Laura Ritchie & Benjamin T. Sharpe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music students at the University of Chichester Conservatoire completed questionnaires about their experience of the forced use of remote teaching and learning due to Lockdown, as imposed in the United Kingdom from March to June 2020, and how this impacted their self-beliefs, decision making processes, and methods of preparation for their performance assessments. Students had the choice to either have musical performance assessed in line with originally published deadlines via self-recorded video or defer the assessment until the following academic year. (...)
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    The Challenge of Generating Sustainable Value: Narratives About Sustainability in the Italian Tourism Sector.Laura Galuppo, Paolo Anselmi & Ilaria De Paoli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Tourism is capable of distributing wealth and participating substantially in the economic development of many countries. However, to ensure these benefits, the planning, management, and monitoring of a sustainable offer become crucial. Despite the increasingly widespread attention to sustainability in this sector, however, the concept of sustainable tourism still appears fragmented and fuzzy. The theoretical frameworks used in many studies often reduce sustainability to its environmental or social aspects and consider such pillars as separate issues. Furthermore, although most studies acknowledge (...)
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  50. Travelling in image-space : the new Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon Skywalk.Laura Bieger - 2011 - In Renate Brosch, Ronja Tripp & Nina Jürgens (eds.), Moving images, mobile viewers: 20th century visuality. Berlin: Lit.
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